Thursday, June 30, 2011

Everything I Love

       What do I love? I love to dance, draw, write, talk, sing (in the shower) - basically, I love expressing myself. And usually, when it comes to expressing myself, the quicker the better; and with all the new technology coming out, it's become easier and much quicker to send yourself to the world!
       And this is where Blackberry Messenger comes in. I only heard about BBM in my third year of highschool; my friend showed us her new Blackberry and told us about BBM, which everyone oogled at - everyone except me. I didn't really care; I mean, I already had a phone that could send text messages, a computer that can surf and connect with anyone. Enter college life. I didn't realize how hard and busy my freshman year would be, I always had to rush somewhere after class and would always get home late. Now, I can't go online as much, and my old phone is doing a pretty mediocre job at communicating - failing to send messages and receiving replies late (or not getting them at all!). My friend recommended I switch to a Blackberry unit, because of it's usefulness and plus everyone has one - which means, she said with a grin - BBM!
      (somewhat) Hesitantly, I did some research to see what all the BBM (and Blackberry phone) hype was about. And I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but the more I saw, the more I craved for the smartphone. What got me hooked? For the phone, it was the sturdy design with the QWERTY keyboard and optical trackpad; for BBM, it was the real-time notifications, the unlimited characters (no 140-character limit!), the ability to share multimedia files without breaking a sweat, the fact that you can see if the person read your message or not (whoops no more room for excuses!), it's communication made easier - so many good things in one unit! Although, my favorite feature would have to be the fact that you can BBM anyone (that uses a Blackberry and has BBM), no matter what continent (or university, in my case) they're in!

So you can imagine my reaction when I saw the BB 9780 giveaway on :
At first I was like,

And then,
Then finally,
And as soon as I finished happy dancing, I started on my entry right away; I decided to do what I love, which is doodling! I ended up using my doodles in this very simple and short video (with a twist)! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it! :)